Saturday, December 31, 2011

this is specially dedicated to: penghuni2 setia AB62 yakni parasit2 yg digelar SEMUT.

i understand u r desperately in need of places to shelter and food and whatever things u need tht i might not be able to understand, as a human. but cant u see that me and my roomie are clearly pissed at yalls? its certainly acceptable if u are just wandering here n there on my table. BUT, u've gone too far by eating the DAIMs! NO ONE TOUCHES THE DAIMS U JERKY RASCALS! and please stay away from my laptop. with all due respect, this thing is freakin expensive! (for penniless me) =3= but its hard to kill u guys tho. for ants are forbidden to be killed.

Friday, October 7, 2011

this one thing

this one's about me. something that describes me so well that i simply cant not share it. :)

-Gemini make very interesting and exciting friends. They like to leave their mark on everyone they meet. They are very flighty and will disappear for a long time as they meet new friends and explore new places. But when they come back, they will have new thoughts, opinions and interesting things to share and ideas to teach. (omg this is like, absolutely me!)

-Gemini have the ability to react instantly to situations, and as a result, they have a very nervous temperament. They can be compared to a wound up spring as they attempt to absorb everything they can about their surroundings at once. The fact that they enjoy various situations and people add to their nervousness and that means they are almost constantly wound up. However, if they experience boredom and have nothing to survey, they get the same emotions, the need for excitement and variety. This is the Gemini duality, constantly conflicting emotions in one spontaneous, excitable package. ( im amazed. they got it so correct!)

-Gemini are superficial, they will form opinions on matter without diving into them and exploring them fully. This can lead them into thinking they know everything, which they usually do but their mind is too busy to be concerned with fine details. Routine and boredom are Gemini's biggest fears. One downfall of Gemini is their superficiality. Instead of looking deep into a person's real qualities, Gemini will judge a person by the way they treat them. This can lead Gemini to have wrong impressions of people and can cause problems ion relationships. Gemini's can have feeling of discouragement and moodiness although they never allow this to be seen by anyone but heir closest friends or family. Gemini usually want everyone to think that they are always happy and doing wonderfully and stress never affects them. ( o-ookayy i think this thing's creeping me out.)

from me: they are right about me being an imaginative person, which sometimes made me suddenly laugh out loud without any proper reason. my friend thinks im a retard. xD

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

sincerity cant be seen anymore. its hurt when what u feel is something real, but the other party thinks ur faking it. what can u do when what ur feeling is taking for granted, as if they never exist. how could i pretend nothing is going wrong, when every part of me is revolving around someone that never care? i am sick of being pathetic, but yet, i m still holding onto the gossamer thin possibility that things will actually comes around. i will be here when u finally realise, but this time i will make U come to ME. tho thats almost impossible. i just wish.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


tired of people cursing here and there. i know its a medium to express how bad u are feeling but please, ur problem wont be solved if ur using that improper word over and over again. i know its ur profile and hell its none of my business but dude, U ARE POSTING IT FOR PEOPLE TO READ, MIND YOU. so it IS indeed my business if im not comfortable with that, thank you. and well, u can keep cursing and say whatever u want, as long as U stay away from ME.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

murderer wanted .

awwh look at him (its a him) lifeless . >< ok he kept staring at me with his shrek's cat eyes , as if begging me to let him go. poor creature look u know i would let u go if i could but.. I NEED TO KILL YOUH.

its not my fault. the shoes are haunted.

'i swear i wont buy ANY heels anymore . i feel like cutting my legs and throw them into the ocean... OMG look cutest heels EVER!'

do not blame me . they are just too irresistable . put the blame on Jimmy Choo or those who created HEELS. :D